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What is the spiritual lesson of the coronavirus

What is the spiritual lesson of the coronavirus
What is the spiritual lesson of the coronavirus

In what is happening now on the planet and trumpeted through the media several higher energy mechanisms have been activated, and other processes accelerated, as follows:

- Any illness consumes the vital energy of a body, this is a fact known to almost everyone. When we enter fear and let it control our long-term thoughts the immune system decreases its activity until it stops. Because the immune system consumes enormously as vital energy like over 60% of the energy of a body especially when sick, when someone reaches high levels of fear they signal unconsciously to the body that they are in a limit survival situation and need to mobilize all their resources to escape. As a result, the large energy consumers in a body that are not needed in that situation are closed down, the first being the immune system, and redirected to the peripheries like hands and feet to fight or flight. As a result viruses have a free path to enter the body without problems ...

- Another aspect is the one already found in ancient proverbs like "What you fear most you can’t get away!". Translated further it means "What’s similar is attracted to one another", that is sources of similar vibration are attracted to each other, in this case the persons in fear of that virus and the virus itself, and therefore a meeting between the two will be facilitated automatically ….

- Now talking on a very high level, the univers/galactic mechanisms are inexorable and a higher energy pressure on Earth due to radiation coming from the galactic center started tenths of years ago. Under such a pressure everything is highly accelerated, and since humanity subconscious is quite low like in 3.5D on chakra scale (middle of 3rd dimension vibration), while the planet trends now as average vibration over 4D, the vibration difference presses increasingly on the fears in our bodies. The result is immune system crash that first causes the exit of the elderly who naturally have the lowest vitality reserve, but in time will also reach the younger people. This energy pressure also mutates faster viruses and bacteria making them more aggressive and “helping” as such the selection of who stays and who leaves. In 10–15 years we will have therefore more of a 4D humanity …

- Talking now on a lower level of vibration, these pandemics, beside the terrorist and climate change threats, are a useful tool used by the elite to enforce control through fear into the masses. The collective subconscious was fed over tenths of years with basic fears through mass media and such fears are now well established in the collective subconscious; therefore, the mechanism of attracting what you fear most was activated at humanity level. As such, the ordinary citizen when looking around sees only threats lurking at him on all levels.

Whatever civil rights population gained in last 200 years are now wiped out at even the masses’ request for more safety. The governments answer to such requests is that to ensure more safety they need more control on everybody’s actions and thoughts, and so we all vote happily to accept more control over us and give up our rights to gain safety. You see, they couldn’t have this deep detailed control 20 years ago or more, but now with the advent of advanced technology based on AI and Big Data they can have it now :)

Life basically changes for everyone, being led by the fear of one vs the other person, and hence deepens the Separation feeling. This will accelerate the crash of society as we know it now.

The ordinary person was anyway living in fear, but with this additional fears it will make the majority of population to trend more towards psychopathy symptoms (paranoia and schizo)… Being a psycho is not a balanced state to be in on long term, and obviously such a state will push quickly the person into peak crises that could manifest quite ugly.

When large groups of people like in billions enter all at the same time in such crises (we are all now connected by technology and we share ideas and feelings very quickly from one another), history shows things can become quite unbearable …

Well, at humanity level, transitioning from one state of vibration to another very different one (from 3D to 4D in this case) in a short span of time, forces automatically huge amounts of lower energies gathered over millennia in the collective 3D subconscious to be released. The release in just 10-20 years of this huge amount of lower energies gathered by the life of many billions of people in thousands of years is something that I can’t describe in words as impact on current humanity, so immense it is …

So better be prepared for a roller coaster kind of journey in the next years …

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