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Atinge dimensiuni de vibratie mai inalte cu noi




Numele meu este Claudiu Bulaceanu si sunt pasionat de peste 20 de ani de modul in care este structurata Creatia si legile acesteia, precum si de modalitatea in care se misca Energia prin Creatie, si astfel am ajuns sa cercetez si sa practic spiritualitatea.


In viata obisnuita am urmat la inceput o cariera stiintifica, la care pe parcurs am dus la bun sfarsit si un doctorat in inginerie, iar mai apoi am urmat o cariera antreprenoriala, activand si in calitate de consultant de management si de manager.


De-a lungul timpului am invatat, cercetat si testat multe lucruri in eforturile mele in domeniul spiritualitatii si al energiilor inalte pe care as dori sa le impartasesc si cu voi.


Tot ceea ce utilizez in acest domeniu am experimentat personal, dar am si confirmat cu alti initiati cu adevarat avansati spiritual si cu multa experienta si ei.


Nu urmez sau practic nici o religie.


Ceea ce va voi explica si va voi invata nu este din carti, ci din experienta proprie, plecand de la ceea ce am invatat de la fostul meu Maestru spiritual, precum si de la Sinele meu superior si de ghizii mei.


In cadrul scolii spirituale pe care am urmat-o acum 20 de ani, Maestrul meu de atunci mi-a deschis complet chakrele si m-a invatat cum sa ma conectez la Sinele meu superior, precum si la dimensiuni mult mai inalte de vibratie. 


Acest lucru il voi face si eu acum pentru voi, adaugandu-se la acest aspect si multe alte lucruri experimentate de mine pe parcursul atator ani.


Toate acestea va vor permite sa va inaltati spiritual atat ca suflet cat si ca trup, precum si sa demitizati multe aspecte ale spiritualitatii antice, care v-au parvenit invaluite in tot felul de valuri antice.






Afli vibratie corp & suflet,

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Christine DeBenna, US

I have worked with Claude for several years now and have found him to be completely reliable, trustworthy and wise.


Claude helped with me so many issues that it is impossible to list them all here.  I can tell you that I went to him as a last resort after feeling strange symptoms after a spiritual awakening.  


His body and soul vibration readings are accurate and specific.  After one reading with him I was able to heal what I had been suffering with for several years and worked with several healers on with no results.


What I like best about working with Claude is that he always leads me back to myself.  He doesn’t require lengthy sessions, guru devotion or the like.  Just straight to the point, razor sharp information.  

Andrew Muller, US

Claude's teachings are insightful, invigorating, and thought-provoking. 


I have explored as many spiritual teachers as I can find, and his words ring true with intentions of raising the quality of consciousness within you. 


His approach is unique, as his wisdom is profound, both to one starting on a spiritual awakening, and for the well-travelled spiritual seeker.

Tat Georgieva, AU

I have been following Claude’s spiritual guidance for several years now and can say with confidence - my journey to my inner peace has never felt better.


Claude has extensive knowledge on body and soul vibration and how to progress it to improve our quality of life and wellbeing. Ascension process is not an easy one, but he will guide you gently but steadily until results are speaking for themselves.


His wholehearted devotion to help his students and this Planet is simply amazing!

Dora Nakabuye, US

I fumbled around for years, chasing different teachers/teachings and spending lots of money on spiritual programs and books, getting my yearning whetted but not finding the light I was looking for.


All I can say is that Claude is a Torch. He is candid and generous with his teachings and guidance, and his scans help me to stay on track.


If you are truly seeking to awaken and understand that it takes effort (like anything worthwhile in life), and you want someone to guide you instead of you fumbling in the dark wasting time, energy and resources, Claude can be your Torch. Let’s not waste this lifetime. Love and blessings to you, fellow seeker.



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