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Can you sell your soul to the devil in exchange for fame or a singing career?

Can you sell your soul to the devil in exchange for fame or a singing career?
Can you sell your soul to the devil in exchange for fame or a singing career?

Actually this concept of selling one’s soul is wrongly understood on the planet. The soul has no energy just awareness, so nobody can take it and run away with it. If someone could really sell his soul or somebody else steal his soul, what happens with the body left without a soul, like a car where the driver just disappeared from the wheel? It appears that the person who “lost his soul” still lives on, then how it’s possible to live without a soul? :)

There is no devil or Satan

Technically speaking, what happens is the following… There is no devil or Satan just to clear things up, but there are souls not so well intended on different levels. As there are souls that embody here on Earth to gather experiences which are the normal souls, there are also wandering souls who lost the body they had due to death. After dying, these souls didn’t raise to Light/God despite religious rituals and subsequently been able to reincarnate again, and hence roam around; many cultures call them ghosts.

Possession and wandering souls

For some of these type of souls their main goal is to take revenge on some other embodied souls they hated during life and start to haunt them, others stay close to the object of their attachment during life like properties, places, people, etc, while others search to find a body to take over and re-live the sensations they had when alive. Many of these wandering souls are very low as vibration like in the lower levels of 3D (3rd dimension as vibration where also the majority of humanity is), and they can takeover and possess a body by overpowering the original owner-soul of the body in special circumstances, but that happens quite seldom fortunately ...

There are also disembodied souls of mid-level entities as vibration, like in the 5D (dimension or chakra scale) level, who are very skilled in controlling energy and who are generally souls of former high shamans, wizards and the like, who also look for good bodies to possess but are willing to strike a deal with the original soul of the body in order to avoid later retribution if they are forcing the body take-over, since they have lots of higher knowledge and do know Creation mechanisms.

Fame and its price

The original soul in this case is also generally a higher than average soul that voluntarily contacts these souls to strike a deal to gain power, wealth and fame. The deal is that the original soul will lend the body for certain periods of time to the wandering soul so that the later relives old body sensations, provided this will serve him with controlling energy in physical world. The soul that lends his body could ask for instance for miracles in magic shows on the stage, beyond impossible artistic shows, power over the masses by influencing their will when voting for instance, etc. The Faust drama by Goethe describes such a case, of course disguised dramatically.

A good number of world famous magicians that perform on the scene have closed such deals. If one is a careful observer he can make the difference between illusionism and true magic.

Beside the top level magicians also a few other prominent elite groups, like in top financial and politics circles, use the services of such entities by striking such deals of lending their bodies and gaining power in return.

Moreover, many of the souls that take over the bodies of famed artists like singers and magicians in the entertainment business, politicians or businessmen, have their own hidden agenda like using the artists bodies in influencing the masses through their shows in their own benefit, but also in the benefit of their “employer” so to say, who are some of very occult elite groups, who in their turn might be also controlled by other powerful souls with their own agenda.

When a singer, a performer with wide audiences reaches a certain level of fame by own merits, he is approached by powerful people from the industry and invited to enter some occult fraternities. Once inside as a member they have to perform some occult rituals that connect them energetically and spiritually (in a negative way) for ever with the leaders, and generally without realizing they accept to give access to their bodies to the above entities to use it at their will. From this point on things go downhill in their personal lives, but great as fame and money ….

Whoever gets into agreements with these kind of souls to lend his body for fame and money generally finds out in time they are on the losing side of the contract as history showed ...

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